Password Strength Checker

Ensure online security by understanding password strength against keyloggers and hackers. Learn about phishing, keyloggers, and other threats. Safeguard your credentials with strong, unique passwords and two-factor authentication. Protect against social engineering and browser extensions. Stay cautious of suspicious links and verify website legitimacy. Keep devices and software updated for security patches Prioritize HTTPS-enabled websites for secure data entry.

  • Lowercase Letters
  • Uppercase Letters
  • Number (0-9)
  • Special Character (!@#$%^&*)
  • Atleast 8 Character

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How secure is your password before you use them, The World Wide Web might not be as secure as you may think, there are millions of bots out there that are designed to monitor a user's browser history grab their password and send it back to the perpetrators. making sure that your password is very secure is paramount to good online safety, you wouldn't know who is who or what is what until you become a victim of a cyber attack, so the best way is to always make sure that your password is very encoded that even you won't remember easily except you check your jotter/booklet.

Most people today can't really differentiate between a normal password and an extra-secured password. The chemistry is quite confusing, well I understand let me break it down for you, first, the normal password is just like a regular password anyone would use when creating a Netflix account e.g. richard123, That example is a regular password. An extra secure password is something quite very characterized by different text formats e.g. @let@talkby   12pm! now this is a secured password, Let's explain how.

When an attacker sets a keylogger to monitor a user's browser on a website they input their password, the key-logger understands every input in your secured password except for @,! and the space before the 12pm, this alone makes their hijacking unsuccessful because ( that was before not now ) recently the attack using keylogger has improved now keylogger can capture any key input and keystroke from your keyboard including the secured ways we have indicated above. So now the chemistry gets even more complicated let's see the solution.

First, when you generate a strong password it is very important to keep some of the following practices in mind and control your password usage with the following guide to avoid hackers manipulating or hijacking your login credentials especially if it is a premium access.

Virtual Keyboard: Use an on-screen or virtual keyboard for entering sensitive information like passwords. This allows you to click on the characters using your mouse rather than typing them on the physical keyboard. Keyloggers typically do not capture mouse clicks, so this can be an effective way to thwart them.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Whenever possible, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your online accounts. Even if a keylogger captures your password, it won't be sufficient to access your account without the second factor (usually a temporary code sent to your mobile device or email).

Password Managers: Use a reputable password manager to generate, store, and autofill your passwords. Password managers can help protect against keyloggers because they can autofill passwords without you having to manually type them.

Screen Recording Detection: Some security software can detect when the screen is being recorded or captured. If a keylogger is capturing your screen along with keystrokes, this can trigger an alert.

User Awareness: Educate yourself and others about the risks of keyloggers and practice good online hygiene. Avoid downloading software from untrusted sources and be cautious when clicking on links or opening email attachments.

While these strategies can help reduce the risk of falling victim to keyloggers, it's important to remember that no method is foolproof. Cybersecurity is an ongoing effort, and it's crucial to stay vigilant and use a combination of security practices to protect your digital assets.

The mechanism powering the online web is making everything about technology very complicated but the best way is to make sure that we are trying our best as humans never to be a victim of circumstance. So to better get started the first approach is to check your password strength today using our free tool which is the very first approach to ensuring that you are one way to be secure.

We answered some of your most frequently asked questions.

Can a hacker using a keylogger get a password with !@ and a    space?

Yes, a keylogger can capture passwords that include special characters like "!@" as well as spaces. Keyloggers are designed to record all keystrokes made on a compromised computer or device, regardless of the characters typed. So, if a user enters a password that includes "!@" and spaces, the keylogger will capture those characters and store them for the hacker to access later.

Does a space bar between a password prevent hackers?

No, the space bar does not prevent a keylogger from capturing keystrokes. A keylogger is a type of malicious software or hardware that records all keystrokes made on a computer or device, including the space bar and other special characters. Keyloggers are designed to be stealthy and comprehensive, capturing all keyboard input, so they do not discriminate based on the type of character or key being pressed.

What ways do hackers use to capture the password I input on a website?

Phishing Attacks: Phishing is one of the most common methods used by hackers. They create fake websites that mimic legitimate ones, such as login pages for popular social media sites, banks, or email providers. Users are tricked into entering their credentials on these fake sites, which the hackers then capture.

Keyloggers: As previously mentioned, keyloggers can be installed on a victim's computer or device to record all keystrokes, including passwords. This can be done through malware, software, or hardware keyloggers.

Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: In a MitM attack, a hacker intercepts the communication between a user's device and a website. This can be done on unsecured public Wi-Fi networks. The hacker can capture login credentials as they are transmitted.

Credential Sniffing: Hackers may use tools or malware to sniff network traffic for login credentials. This can occur if a website does not use encryption (HTTP instead of HTTPS), making it easier for hackers to intercept the data.

Brute Force Attacks: In a brute force attack, hackers use automated tools to try a large number of possible passwords until they find the correct one. They may use lists of common passwords, dictionary words, or random combinations.

Credential Stuffing: Hackers use stolen username-password pairs from one breach and attempt to use them on other websites where users may have reused the same credentials.

Social Engineering: Hackers may use social engineering techniques to trick individuals into revealing their passwords. This can involve impersonating tech support, sending fake emails, or manipulating people into disclosing their credentials.

Browser Extensions and Add-ons: Some malicious browser extensions or add-ons can capture user data, including login credentials, as users interact with websites.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks: Hackers inject malicious code into a website, which then runs in the user's browser. This code can capture login information and send it to the attacker.

- To protect yourself from these threats, it's essential to:

Use strong, unique passwords for each website or service.
Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) where available.
Be cautious about clicking on links in emails or messages, especially if they appear suspicious.
Verify the legitimacy of websites, especially before entering sensitive information.
Keep your devices and software up to date to patch known vulnerabilities.
Use a reputable antivirus and anti-malware software.
Use HTTPS-enabled websites when entering sensitive data.
Educate yourself about online security best practices and common threats.